Sunday, April 20, 2008

How God works...

He works through His people.

I've changed a part of my prayers lately. I used to always ask God to reveal to me His will for my life. I've revised that prayer to: "God, please use me to fulfill Your will."

I had an opportunity this past week to visit with a former co-worker. She seemed a little down in the dumps. And frankly I was surprised to see her because the last time I spoke with her she was going to be starting a new job. Well, she didn't take that job so we had a "divine appointment." I say that because I don't believe in coincidence and I do believe that God needed me to talk with her that day.

Anyway, she talked about how much of a worrier she is. I pointed out the uselessness of worry and pointed her to Matthew 6:25-34. Thank God for the Gideon's because there was a New Testament handy for her to read. I had to leave very shortly after she read the passage, and as we were saying good-bye, she seemed to choke up as she told me "thank you" for showing her the scripture.

I left hoping she would finally come to church. I have to be honest and say that I didn't think it would happen. She's always had plenty of excuses. I was pleasantly surprised to see her when we got to church today. As the service went on and Pastor Bil talked about listening and being obedient when God puts something on your heart, I felt led to give her my Bible. I tried to talk myself out of it but fortunately I didn't. I gave it to her with many copies of sermons notes tucked in the pages.

The neat part is that she said that she had been thinking during the service that she needed to get a Bible. I'm so happy that I listened and was obedient today because that is exactly the situation that I think I usually talk myself out of. Anyway, God revealed Himself in that otherwise simple moment. She also told me that it was because of our conversation a few days ago that she even showed up today.

God does His work. All we need to do is listen and obey. How many things needed to line up for all of this to happen today? We don't commonly attend the 11:30 service, she has never been to BAF before, in a room of 1000 people I saw her and I had my Bible with me (I don't usually carry it to church).

We serve an awesome God. I'm so glad that I get to enjoy the ride.


Monday, April 14, 2008

You can't get away with it...

I picked up a Forbes Magazine while I was waiting to visit with a doctor a few days ago. It was a fairly recent issue and it had an article about Eliot Spitzer. If you don't know who that is you he recently resigned from his position as Governor of New York amid a sex scandal.

The reason this article caught my eye, and I don't recall the title, is because it described how Spitzer was caught and what he should have done differently to avoid being caught. I thought, "this is great," we have a well respected magazine that is telling you the best way to avoid getting caught cheating on your wife.

This is the world we live in folks. We have magazine, not discussing how a man might avoid this type of situation (counseling and accountability might have helped), but how to avoid getting caught. (I won't even touch what has been going on in the tabloid world.) Great information for men to have. Maybe it's their attempt at curbing the divorce rate; "Teach the men not to get caught we'll have fewer divorces."

By the way, don't bother trying to find the article. Spitzer would have been caught sooner or later. Someone would have said something, he would have forgotten to throw away a receipt, he would have been seen somewhere that he shouldn't have been... and even if none of that ever happened he still had to live with himself and he is still accountable to God. You can't get away with it!!!

How about this for an option; if you don't want to get caught cheating, don't cheat! I know it's a novel idea but I challenge you to try it.

Enjoy the ride,


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Moving to blogger

Well, I decided to make the move to blogger. I was happy with the other site but this one is more cost effective considering I write pretty infrequently.

I'll be posting something soon. I saw and interesting article about Eliot Spitzer in Forbes Magazine. I let you know my thoughts, soon.
