This will be the first of a series of thoughts on the topic on my beliefs. I'll start here:
I believe that God came to earth as Jesus; fully God, yet fully man. He lived and served and was tempted and yet still lived a sinless life. I believe that He died on a cross for my sins and rose again three days later proving that He is God. I believe that confessing Him as Lord and Savior is the only way to heaven.
So many people, Christians included, think that living a good life will get them to heaven and it's just not true. God's Word tells us that Jesus is the one and only way. We, in our own power, can never be good enough to earn our way into heaven.
I've had people say, "Why would God only provide one way to get to heaven?" My answer is this: First of all, He's God and He can do what He wants, and second; why does He need to provide an alternate route when He's already given you very specific directions.
Chew on that for a while and I'll be back with some more of my beliefs.
Enjoy the ride!!
Let Me Explain
3 years ago