I said, I shouldn't drink alcohol. That doesn't mean the I believe everyone should avoid alcohol. The Bible doesn't teach us to avoid alcohol, it teaches us to avoid drunkenness. (See 1 Cor 5:11 & 6:10)
A few years ago, while going through my divorce I spent way too much time and money on alcohol. I never became an alcoholic but I did get drunk with some regularity. After I was saved, God convicted me about my drinking and I cut myself back to 2 drinks on any given occasion. If I was drinking, it was 2 drinks and no more.
Later, when I was called to a leadership position in the singles ministry of my church, I realized that I was in a place where I was known by many people. I may not have known them, but many of them knew me or at least knew my position in the ministry. In realizing this, God convicted my heart to give up alcohol altogether. I didn't want people who struggled with alcohol to see me, a leader in the singles ministry, having a drink and then decide that it was okay for them to have one, also. God's Word tells us in Romans 14:13; "Decide instead to live in such a way that will not cause another believer to stumble and fall." It goes on to say in verse 23; "If you do anything you believe is not right, you are sinning." I believed that by drinking alcohol I may cause another believer to stumble so I quit. God convicted me and I listened to Him.
So, should you drink alcohol? If you don't struggle with drunkenness or alcoholism, have a drink and enjoy yourself. Just don't get drunk.
But that's not really the entire issue here. This post is actually inspired by a Facebook discussion on whether or not believers should celebrate halloween. I've met believers on both sides on this issue. I, personally, believe that it's okay for me to enjoy halloween. I don't struggle with evil thoughts or desires on that day any more than I do any other day of the year. It has no negative affect on my spiritual walk. But I also believe this, if my celebration of halloween causes a fellow believer to stumble, then it's no longer okay for me to celebrate halloween.
So, if you believe something is wrong, don't do it. It really is that simple. But, remember to not become prideful in your conviction because that is just as detrimental the the cause of Christ as whatever you decided not do. Don't replace one sin with another.
Do what you think is right and honors our Lord and...
...Enjoy the ride.
Let Me Explain
3 years ago