It's amazing how quickly the Lord starts speaking to me when I start spending some time with Him and studying His Word. I accepted a challenge to read through the Bible this year, and the day after I started He showed me the scripture that I wrote about in my last post. I know that, depending on where my heart is, I won't see or hear things that clearly each day this year. What I do know is, if I continue on this path, I will hear more from Him this year than probably any other year in the past.
Today was another example; the Lord was really working on my heart regarding my kids. I felt Him telling me that I should dedicate them to Him. As much as they may get on our nerves, our children are a gift from God and should be raised to glorify His name. What better way is there to love our children than to place God first in our lives and let Him show us how to love our kids. With God in His proper place in our lives, He will overwhelm us with His love and that will flow out of us to our children and everyone else around us.
So tonight, when we pray together at bedtime, we will dedicate our children to our God. In doing so, we will also rededicate ourselves to raising them in such as way as to honor and glorify His name. This is a win/win situation if there ever was one - for the kids and for us - and God receives His glory.
Enjoy the ride...
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