#2 - Love her as Christ loved the church
I'm assuming, of course, that if you're reading this blog that you are a Christian. If you're not, write me a comment to this post and we can discuss that. You might also read the previous posts for some ideas on how to better love your wife.
Now, for the #2 way to show your wife that you love her. God's Word tells us in Ephesians 5:25 (NLT); "...husbands...love your wives, just as Christ loved the church. He gave up his life for her...."
I believe that most (probably all) of us would be willing to give up our lives for our wives. If that is the case, then why do we struggle to serve them. Why is it so hard to help around the house, listen to her, help with the kids, be patient with her? Why do we stop dating our wives when we marry them?
How about this, if we're willing to give up our lives, literally, then why not figuratively. Why do we willing give up our wants and desires for what she wants and desires? Why do our agendas always rate over hers?
I think if we spent a little more time being attentive to our wives needs then life will be much better for us. God created her as a "suitable helper" for us. Let's create in her heart the desire to play that role by leading by example. If you want to be served well by her then you might think about serving her well.
This conversation has so many tangents that they can't all be covered. Some of you are asking, what about the "wives be submissive" part of the scripture from Ephesians? My answer (with a question) is this; if you're not loving her as Christ loved the church then should she be required to be submissive? Give it some thought guys. If you are doing your part then she will, almost certainly, do her part. Give it a shot.
Enjoy the ride!!
Let Me Explain
3 years ago
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